Jurnal Kuliah Kerja Nyata Indonesia
Title Jurnal Kuliah Kerja Nyata Indonesia Abbreviation J. Kul. Kerj. Ny. Ind. Initials JKKNI Scope See Scope Business Model Open Access & Author Pay Frequency 4 issues per year Type of Review Single Blind Review DOI prefix 10.59247/jkkni Online ISSN - Print ISSN - Editors Editors License CC-BY-SA Publisher Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia (PTTI) Organized Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia (PTTI) Citation Analysis Scopus | Dimensions | Google Scholar | Web of Science | Sinta Metrics Authors Diversity | Visitors Statistics Social Media Youtube Channel | Twitter | Instagram Sponsorships See Sponsor JKKNI is a community service journal that focuses on the implementation of the results of Real Work Lecture activities that have been carried out by university students. JKKNI accepts various types of articles on the results of community service work in various fields including the application of technology that has usability for the community.
Bulletin of Innovation in Management
Bulletin of Innovation in Management is a peer-reviewed open access journal that is published two times a year, dedicated to publishing quality research results in the management field. All publications in the Bulletin of Innovation in Management are open access, allowing articles to be freely available online without a subscription. Bulletin of Innovation in Management is professionally managed and published by Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia to assist academics, researchers and practitioners in disseminating their research results.
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control is a peer-review journal that published papers about Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems. The Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control should encompass original research articles, review articles, and case studies that contribute to the advancement of the theory and application of fuzzy systems and control, and their integration with other technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and optimization.
The publication frequency is 3 issues per year.
The publication charge of this journal is $0 or FREE.
Journal of Advanced Health Informatics Research
Title Journal of Advanced Health Informatics Research Abbreviation J. Adv. H. Inf. Res. Initials JAHIR Scope See Scope Business Model Open Access & Author Pay Frequency 3 issues per year Type of Review Single Blind Review DOI prefix 10.59247/jahir Online ISSN 2985-6124 Editors Editors License CC-BY-SA Publisher Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia (PTTI) Organized Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia (PTTI) Citation Analysis Scopus | Dimensions | Google Scholar | Web of Science | Sinta | Garuda Metrics Authors Diversity | Visitors Statistics Social Media Youtube Channel | Twitter | Instagram Sponsorships See Sponsor Journal of Advanced Health Informatics Research (JAHIR) is a International scientific journal that focuses on the application of computer science to the health field. JAHIR is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that is published three times a year (April, August and December). The scientific journal is published by Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia (PTTI). The JAHIR aims to provide a national and international forum for academics, researchers, and professionals to share their ideas on all topics related to Informatics in Healthcare Research.