
  • Call of Paper Vol.3 No.1 (2025)


    We cordially encourage you to submit your article for publication to JFSC. Please make sure your work is created using the journal paper template, JFSC Template, before submitting.

    Send us your manuscripts right away using our online submission form. The JFSC template should be used by the authors as a guide for writing format and style. Referees assess submitted papers for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation on an anonymous basis. The Editor will let you know the outcome of the review as soon as possible, ideally in 4-6 weeks.

    For more information, don't hesitate to contact cc to

    Read more about Call of Paper Vol.3 No.1 (2025)
  • Call of Paper Vol.3 No.1 (2025)


    We cordially encourage you to submit your article for publication to JFSC. Please make sure your work is created using the journal paper template, JFSC Template, before submitting.

    Send us your manuscripts right away using our online submission form. The JFSC template should be used by the authors as a guide for writing format and style. Referees assess submitted papers for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation on an anonymous basis. The Editor will let you know the outcome of the review as soon as possible, ideally in 4-6 weeks.

    For more information, don't hesitate to contact cc to

    Read more about Call of Paper Vol.3 No.1 (2025)
  • Call of Paper Vol.2 No.3 (2024)


    We cordially encourage you to submit your article for publication to JFSC. Please make sure your work is created using the journal paper template, JFSC Template, before submitting.

    Send us your manuscripts right away using our online submission form. The JFSC template should be used by the authors as a guide for writing format and style. Referees assess submitted papers for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation on an anonymous basis. The Editor will let you know the outcome of the review as soon as possible, ideally in 4-6 weeks.

    For more information, don't hesitate to contact cc to

    Read more about Call of Paper Vol.2 No.3 (2024)
  • Call of Paper Vol.2 No.2 (2024)


    We cordially encourage you to submit your article for publication to JFSC. Please make sure your work is created using the journal paper template, JFSC Template, before submitting.

    Send us your manuscripts right away using our online submission form. The JFSC template should be used by the authors as a guide for writing format and style. Referees assess submitted papers for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation on an anonymous basis. The Editor will let you know the outcome of the review as soon as possible, ideally in 4-6 weeks.

    For more information, don't hesitate to contact cc to

    Read more about Call of Paper Vol.2 No.2 (2024)
  • Call for Reviewer and Editor


    JFSC is an excellent journal that disseminated important research findings. In the Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, every research article is subjected to thorough peer review that is based on initial editorial screening and refereeing by anonymous reviewers.

    This kind of high-quality scholarly communication necessitates the cooperation of academics. A team of editors chosen for certain terms from the academic and professional communities, along with a journal administrator, professionally handles the journal. As a result, JFSC is looking for academics who wish to make their mark on history and have solid academic backgrounds to work as editors and reviewers.

    Please, send your applications, including your CV and researcher account URL, to our email cc to

    Read more about Call for Reviewer and Editor