Scopus Citation Analysis

The Scopus citation analysis of the Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control can be seen in the URL

Scopus Citation Analysis


This is the list of published papers in the Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control cited by Scopus conference and journal.


Mecanum 4 Omni Wheel Directional Robot Design System Using PID Method, Zhao T., Zou X., Dian S., Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1 (1), pp. 6-13, 2023.

cited by

> Nonlinear Adaptive Optimal Control Design and Implementation for Trajectory Tracking of Four-Wheeled Mecanum Mobile Robots

> Control Design and Implementation of Autonomous Robotic Lawnmower

> Experimental control approach of a mecanum-wheeled mobile robot for slippage error and energy consumption reduction on different surfaces

> A triangle decomposition method for the mobility control of mecanum wheel-based robots


PID Control of Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) System, Seto M.A., Ma'Arif A., Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1 (1), pp. 25-27, 2023.

cited by

> Maglev train levitation control via tracking differentiator with small phase lag

> Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Magnetic Levitation System Using Artificial Protozoa Optimizer

> Optimal of PID Controller for Enhanced Performance in an AVR System

> Enhanced Control of Magnetic Levitation Systems Using Type-2 Fuzzy Elman Neural Network Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller


Analysis of a Self-Excited Induction Generator With Fuzzy PI Controller for Supporting Domestic Loads in a Microgrid, Chatterjee A. Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1 (2), pp. 61-65, 2023.

cited by

> Intelligent fuzzy back-stepping observer design based induction motor robust nonlinear sensorless control

> Optimal of PID Controller for Enhanced Performance in an AVR System


Smart DC to DC Converter for a Small Drone Based Deep Learning Technique, Al-Bahrany M.A., Sadda A.T.A., Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1 (2), pp. 55-60, 2023.

cited by

> Optimal of PID Controller for Enhanced Performance in an AVR System


Adaptive fuzzy-PI for induction motor speed control, Maghfiroh, H., Saputro, J.S., Fahmizal, F., Baballe, M.A., Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1(1), pp. 1–5, 2023

cited by

> Adaptive Linear Quadratic Gaussian Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic


DC Motor Speed Control with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control on the Prototype of a Mini-Submarine, Ariyansyah, Q., Ma'arif, A., Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1(1), pp. 1–7, 2023

cited by

> Design and Implementation of No Load, Constant and Variable Load for DC Servo Motor

> Design and Application of PLC-based Speed Control for DC Motor Using PID with Identification System and MATLAB Tuner


Analysis of a Self-Excited Induction Generator With Fuzzy PI Controller for Supporting Domestic Loads in a Microgrid, Chatterjee A., Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1 (2), pp. 61-65, 2023.

cited by

> Intelligent fuzzy back-stepping observer design based induction motor robust nonlinear sensorless control

> Optimal of PID Controller for Enhanced Performance in an AVR System


GWO-PID of two-phase hybrid stepping motor for robotic grinding force, Abdullah F.N., Aziz G.A., Shneen S.W., Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control, 1 (3), pp. 71-79, 2023.

cited by

> Simulation and modeling for controlling stepper motor with tuned PID by GWO: comparative study