Hydraulic Power System Control using State Feedback Controller (SFC)
power system, control, state feedbackAbstract
In an electrical network, generators work and provide power to the loads. When the load on the generator increases, the speed of the generator decreases then resulting in a reduction in the frequency of the network. This paper was designed within the state feedback controller (SFC) to improve the hydraulic power system performance. The performance of the proposed controller is compared with simple feedback controller (FC) in the simulation environment. The load variation was tested which is 5%, 10%, and 20% variation. The testing results show that in terms of steady state error (SSE) and overshoot, the SFC is superior. In terms of settling time, the FC method is faster. Since it quickly reaches steady event not getting into set-point. The overall, it can be concluded that SFC can give better performance than FC in the frequency control of a hydraulic power system.
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