Maggot Counseling Program Padukuhan Pereng Dawe Kalurahan Balecatur


  • Yusuf Hasim Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Cultivation of maggots, Education, Waste processing, Community, KKN Program


The increase in population has an impact on increasing food needs and also increasing waste / garbage. This condition must be accompanied by an increase in food production and ways to manage waste so that it does not become a burden on the environment. Fulfilling food needs can be done by increasing sources of animal protein. The increase in the need for animal protein has also resulted in an increase in the need for feed. The need for poultry and fish feed is still dominated by industrially processed feed such as powder and pellets. Cultivating black soldier flies (Maggot) is a solution to solving feed problems while reducing waste, because maggot food is in the form of leftover food, fruit and vegetables. Maggot contains high protein and can be an alternative to substitute feed other than puree or pellets and the selling price of maggot is very competitive compared to industrial feed. Then from this phenomenon, we held maggot counseling with the target of Pereng Dawe residents. The activity method is carried out in the form of socializing the importance of entrepreneurship by developing products that have economic value so as to increase their income. The results of this activity are expected to be able to add insight to residents regarding various business opportunities, one of which is maggot cultivation.


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How to Cite

Hasim, Y. (2023). Maggot Counseling Program Padukuhan Pereng Dawe Kalurahan Balecatur. Jurnal Kuliah Kerja Nyata Indonesia, 1(1), 35–44. Retrieved from