Implementation of The KKN Program in Improving The Dental Health of Early Children in Padukuhan Pereng Dawe


  • Dian Wahyu Pratiwi Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Dental Health, Early Childhood, KKN Program, Education, Dental Care


This research is centered on endeavors to enhance tooth-brushing habits in young children through the Community Service Learning (Kuliah Kerja Nyata - KKN) program. This program engages university students as catalysts of change, offering education and interventions to young children regarding the significance of dental care and correct tooth-brushing techniques. The study further assesses the impact of this KKN program on the tooth-brushing behavior of young children and provides guidelines for the implementation of similar programs in other communities. Young children are susceptible to the risk of dental damage, which can have enduring consequences for their oral health. Several factors contribute to this risk, including dietary patterns, oral care habits, and parental involvement. One of the primary causes of the risk of dental damage in young children is the neglect of proper tooth-brushing practices. Our observations reveal that 80% of preschool students aged 2-4 years experience dental issues. Consequently, there is a necessity for special measures to mitigate the risk of dental damage in young children. One of the measures we have taken involves providing training on the correct tooth-brushing techniques. We have also developed interactive and engaging learning materials to enhance students' enthusiasm and engagement in the learning process


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How to Cite

Wahyu Pratiwi, D. (2023). Implementation of The KKN Program in Improving The Dental Health of Early Children in Padukuhan Pereng Dawe. Jurnal Kuliah Kerja Nyata Indonesia, 1(1), 8–16. Retrieved from