Hypertension Education and Blood Pressure Screening
hypertension, blood pressure, education, screeningAbstract
Hypertension is a condition when blood pressure has increased abnormally or exceeds the limit of ≥140/90 mmHg. Lack of knowledge about the problem of hypertension for the elderly affects the perception of the elderly in responding to the problem of hypertension suffered. Therefore, providing counseling and blood pressure screening in the elderly population is relevant given that hypertension is a health condition that is often faced by the elderly. This service program aims to help increase knowledge about the prevention of hypertension in the elderly. This service activity includes counseling on hypertension and blood pressure screening, including the definition, diet, prevention, and control associated with hypertension. Evaluation was carried out through discussion and question and answer sessions related to hypertension material. The implementation stage of the activity began a week before counseling by conducting a survey and assessment, followed by analysis, intervention, implementation, and evaluation reporting. This counseling was carried out during elderly posyandu activities in Watugajah VI Padukuhan, using media such as PowerPoint presentations and leaflets. The results of the counseling showed an increase in elderly knowledge related to hypertension material, which was reflected in active participation in the question and answer session
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