The Influence of Customer Satisfaction and Electric Word of Mouth on the Reputation of Muhammadiyah Universities
Customer Satisfaction, Electronic Word of Mouth, Reputation, Higher EducationAbstract
A university's reputation has become a crucial element in the intense competition in the world of higher education. In the context of Muhammadiyah universities, reputation plays an increasingly significant role in maintaining and increasing their attractiveness in the eyes of students, alumni, and other stakeholders. This article aims to investigate the impact of two main factors, namely Customer Satisfaction and Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) on the reputation of Muhammadiyah universities. First, Customer Satisfaction is a factor that influences the perceptions of students and related parties regarding the quality of service and experience provided by universities. The level of satisfaction of students and other stakeholders can shape a positive image of the university, maintain student sustainability, and support an active role in building the university's reputation. Second, eWOM is a mechanism where information, reviews, and recommendations are spread widely via digital platforms. We investigate how eWOM can impact the perception and reputation of Muhammadiyah universities. Dissemination of information through eWOM has great potential in influencing other people to choose their university. The results of this research are expected to provide a deeper understanding of how Customer Satisfaction and eWOM influence the reputation of Muhammadiyah universities and help these universities to remain competitive amidst intense competition in the world of higher education.
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