A Neuromarketing Trends : a Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis
Neuromarketing Trends : a Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis
Neuromarketig, Neuroscience, Behavioral Economics Sosial Psycology, Purchase DecisionAbstract
Neuromarketing is a research field that combines neuroscience, behavioral economics, and social psychology to gain a deeper understanding of how the human brain responds to advertisements, brands, and marketing strategies. The primary goal of neuromarketing is to uncover aspects that are not always consciously recognized in the consumer decision-making process, such as emotions, preferences, and reactions to marketing stimuli. Bibliometric analysis has shown significant growth in neuromarketing research in recent years, reflecting strong interest from both the academic and industrial communities. These studies cover various topics, including neuroscience, behavioral economics, and social psychology, all of which play a crucial role in understanding consumer behavior in a marketing context. The results of this bibliometric analysis provide valuable insights for marketing practitioners and researchers in developing more effective marketing strategies and gaining a better understanding of consumer behavior. However, it is also important to consider ethical and privacy issues related to the collection of consumer brain data in the context of neuromarketing. Overall, neuromarketing is a rapidly evolving field with significant potential to transform how we understand and approach marketing. With a multidisciplinary approach and strong collaboration, neuromarketing will continue to be a powerful tool in addressing increasingly competitive markets
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