The Influence of Celebrity Endorsement and Hedonic Shopping Motivation on Online Purchasing Decisions in Yogyakarta
Celebrity endorsements, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Purchase Decision, Online PurchaseAbstract
This research aims to analyze the influence of celebrity endorsements and hedonic shopping motivation on online purchasing decisions in Yogyakarta. In the increasingly advanced digital era, the existence of celebrities as product endorsers and hedonic shopping motivations are important factors that influence consumer behavior. The research method used was quantitative by collecting data through questionnaires distributed to 99 respondents who actively made purchases online. Data analysis was carried out using Smartpls to determine the extent to which the two independent variables, namely celebrity endorsement and hedonic shopping motivation, simultaneously and partially influence online purchasing decisions. The research results show that both celebrity endorsement and hedonic shopping motivation have a positive and significant influence on online purchasing decisions. Partially, hedonic shopping motivation has a more dominant influence than celebrity endorsement. These findings indicate that hedonic shopping motivations, such as seeking pleasure and entertainment when shopping online, influence purchasing decisions more strongly than the influence of celebrities. It is hoped that this research can provide insight for marketers in designing effective online marketing strategies in Yogyakarta, by considering the important role of hedonic motivation and the use of celebrity endorsements.
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