Private Blockchain in the Field of Health Services
Blockchain, Healthcare, Private, Hyperledger, PatientsAbstract
Blockchain is a technology that is quite popular and has been adopted in various fields in recent years. This technology has caught the attention of researchers in the health sector because of its innovation which is considered capable of providing the necessary guarantees for the safe processing, sharing, and management of sensitive patient data. There are many problems with falsifying reports and withholding important information from patients, which is considered medical fraud. Hyperledger, a type of private Blockchain, is very suitable for healthcare applications. A private blockchain is a restricted type of blockchain network created by an entity. This type of network is limited to those with access permissions. In addition, private blockchains usually use a centralized verification system and are controlled by the network's creators. Hyperledger Fabric is one example of a permissioned blockchain that can play a role in implementing patient-centric, interoperable healthcare systems
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